Year 2 STEM Engineers In the photos below, you will see not only some of the Year 2 students taking part our STEM Group, but some future civil engineers. The...
SRC Visit the Gorge Wildlife ParkOur dedicated SRC representatives and our diligent school captains went on a meaningful excursion to the Gorge Wildlife Park last...
Winter Rain Nature PlayWhen it rains, make nature boats and float them in the leftover downpour! One thing my own children have loved doing this winter, is...
Year 4 Maritime Museum Excursion"There's a dolphin!" shouted the skipper, pointing out into the waves. "Where?! Where?!" came shouts, as an excited crew of Year 4...
Animal Dress Up a Roaring SuccessYou might have noticed things looked a little wild at PPN on Wednesday 7th. That’s because it was Animal Dress Up Day, held in support of...
Lowers Sports DayLast Friday we held our Lower Sports Day at PPN. While the rain stopped us for a short while, the day was full of fantastic sports, fun...
Foundation Visit Dream Big Children's FestivalThe three Foundation classes had a fantastic time on our excursion at this year's Dream Big Children's Festival. We went and saw a play...
National Reconciliation WeekNational Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June – is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and...