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Exploring Mathematics and Gardening: Year 6 Takes Learning Outdoors
Year 6 students have embarked on an Design and Technology project this week that combines Mathematics with the joys of outdoor learning....

Gymnastics Program
What jumps, balances and spins at least once a week? The answer: every student at PPN. For the next four weeks, PPN is taking part in a...

Reconciliation Rocks
In follow up to Reconciliation Week, our Year 1 students applied what they’d learned about indigenous art and symbols to create their own...

Donut Day
While the weather wasn’t kind to us last Friday (leading to the Lower Primary Sports Day being postponed), the bakery certainly was!...

Exploring Cultural Heritage through Mask Making: A Creative Journey with Modroc!
Year 6 students recently embarked on an inspiring project using Modroc, a plaster bandage material. With Modroc students created unique...

National Reconciliation Week 2024: Now More Than Ever
We are excited to share the wonderful activities and events our school is participating in to celebrate National Reconciliation Week...
Learning Expo
The school was FULL on Tuesday, that is for sure! It was great to see and talk with so many parents during our Learning Expo morning...

Year 6 Experience High School Life
This term, our Year 6 students have had the exciting opportunity to visit Prescott College and participate in woodwork and home economics...

Tony Zappia Visits Year 6
Our Year 6s were blessed with a visit from the Member for Makin, Tony Zappia on Monday as he came to acknowledge their time visiting...

Autumn Art
As part of their art program, our Year 3 students have been exploring the amazing warm hues of autumn. Using the art of sponge painting,...
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