Child Safe Standards

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Prescott Primary Northern is committed to providing education and nurturing for all children and young people under our guidance, fostering Christian values of love, compassion and responsibility. We are dedicated to creating a supportive environment that nurtures trust, respect and safety for every child engaged in our programs and activities This nurturing atmosphere empowers them to grow, learn and thrive.
We have a zero tolerance for child abuse and other harm and are committed to acting in students’ best interests and keeping them safe from harm.
Prescott Primary Northern regards its Child Safety responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintaining a child safe culture.
Each member of the Prescott Primary Northern community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role that they play individually, and collectively, to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all students is at the forefront of all that they do.
At Prescott Primary Northern, we understand that providing a safe and nurturing environment is essential for education success. That is why we take our Child Safe Policy seriously which ensures that our students are protected at all times, allowing them to learn and grow in a secure and healthy setting.
Staff and Students Professional Boundaries Policy
Prescott Primary Northern is committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for students of all ages. Our unique child-focused complaint handling system ensures that any safety and wellbeing concerns are heard, and addressed swiftly and appropriately.
At Prescott Primary Northern we strive to provide the best educational experience for our students while maintaining a safe and caring environment. Our Child Safe Adult Code of Conduct outlines the appropriate standards of behaviour for all adults involved in the school, ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is prioritized.
This document sets out how Prescott Primary Northern, as a child safe organisation, will manage child safety incidents or concerns at or involving Prescott Schools or its staff members.
At Prescott Primary Northern, we believe every student should have access to an outstanding education. In keeping with our commitment to quality education, we have developed a Child Safety Confidential and Privacy system to ensure the safety of students and staff. We are dedicated to creating a safe, secure, learning environment for all of our students and staff.
At Prescott Primary Northern, we provide a safe, child-centred environment learning environment. We have a comprehensive child safety complaint handling system in place to ensure a safe learning experience for all our students. Through this policy, our staff, Principal, and Child Safety Advocate are available to respond to any concerns anyone may have in regard to child safety in person, in writing, or over the phone.
Report a Child Safe Incident/Concern
If you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm phone 000 for the police.
The Child Safe Standards require organisations providing services for children to have processes in place to respond to and report suspected harm or risk of harm. This report can be completed online by children, their families, volunteers, workers or members of the public.
When completing this form, you can choose to remain anonymous, however, it may impact our ability to investigate an incident as Prescott Schools cannot respond to anonymous correspondence.